Legacy Checkout

Recharge Legacy vs Recharge Shopify Hosted

  • Recharge Legacy: For stores that use the Recharge's checkout on the store's customer-facing side.

  • Recharge Shopify Hosted: Recharge's newest integration with Shopify, for stores that use Shopify's checkout on the customer-facing side.

Check which Recharge platform you use

From your Shopify Admin, click on your Recharge app. From the left-hand side navigation, click on Settings and then Store.

On the right hand side, you will see which Recharge platform you use.

MESA Triggers explained

Here is where you will find what specific Recharge action will trigger your MESA workflow.

Address Created

Your workflow will trigger when a customer goes through the checkout with a particular address for the first time.

Address Updated

Your workflow will trigger when you update an address in the Recharge app. It will also trigger whenever a subscription has been activated or canceled.

Charge Created

Your workflow will trigger when your customers checkout successfully.

Charge Failed

Your workflow will trigger every time Recharge tries to process a charge and it fails due to various reasons (insufficient funds, invalid CC info, expired CC, etc.) in the Recharge app.

Charge Max Retries Reached

Your workflow will trigger after Recharge attempts to process a charge 8 times, and it failed every time due to various CC issues in the Recharge app.

Charge Paid

Your workflow will trigger when a charge is successfully processed, both manually in the Recharge app and by an automatic recurring charge. This will not trigger on the checkout itself.

Charge Upcoming

Your workflow will trigger X days before the upcoming charge is scheduled. The default is 3 days but your store specific setting can be verified on the Settings > Notifications > Notification Settings page in the description of the Upcoming charge customer notification.

Charge Updated

Your workflow will trigger when you update the charge's next charge date field.

Checkout Processed

Your workflow will trigger when a checkout is successfully processed.

Customer Activated

Your workflow will trigger when you activate a customer. Activating means that you have added a subscription to a customer who didn’t have an active subscription previously.

Customer Created

Your workflow will trigger when a customer goes through the checkout with a particular email address for a first time.

Customer Deactivated

Your workflow will trigger when the last subscription a customer had expires, so the customer no longer has active subscriptions (which means there are no queued charges/orders for the customer).

Customer Payment Method Updated

Your workflow will trigger only when you update the customer's payment token in the Recharge app.

Customer Updated

Your workflow will trigger when you update a customer in the Recharge app.

Onetime Product Created

Your workflow will trigger when you create a Recharge one time product.

Onetime Product Deleted

Your workflow will trigger when you delete a Recharge one time product.

Onetime Product Updated

Your workflow will trigger when you update a Recharge one time product.

Order Created

Your workflow will trigger when an order is created (when a charge is successfully processed). In case of prepaid orders, there will be multiple automations, one automation for every queued order created at once.

Order Deleted

Your workflow will trigger when an order is deleted.

Order Processed

Your workflow will trigger when an order is processed (when an order goes from status queued to status success). This will not trigger on checkout.

Order Updated

Your workflow will trigger when an order is updated.

Subscription Activated

Your workflow will trigger when you activate a subscription in the Recharge app or a customer activates a subscription.

Subscription Cancelled

Your workflow will trigger when a customer cancels a subscription.

Subscription Created

Your workflow will trigger when you create a subscription in the Recharge app or when a customer goes through the checkout.

Subscription Deleted

Your workflow will trigger when you delete a subscription in the Recharge app.

Subscription Updated

Your workflow will trigger when you update a subscription in the Recharge app. This will also trigger when you update the next charge date in the Customer Portal, or when you use MESA's Recharge Change Subscription's Next Charge Date action.

Additional details about the Recharge API can be viewed here.

Connect Recharge Legacy with MESA

When you're setting up your first workflow with Recharge (Legacy), you'll need to create a credential through MESA's Recharge App. Click on Connect with Recharge to complete the process.

Once redirected, scroll until you see a blue Install button and click on it. Then, you are all set! 🎉

If you see a "Not Found" message after you are redirected, it means that Recharge is not installed on the Shopify store that you currently have MESA installed on.


Recharge Retrieve Customer & Shopify Retrieve Customer Actions

If you want to update a Shopify customer after a Recharge trigger occurs, you will need to add a Recharge (Legacy) Retrieve Customer step before your Shopify Retrieve Customer step. You will not be able to update the Shopify customer without knowing the Customer ID from the Recharge (Legacy) Retrieve Customer step.

In the Recharge Retrieve Customer step, you will want to locate the variable that contains the Recharge Customer ID using the variables menu icon {+}.

In the Shopify Retrieve Customer step, you will want to locate the variable that contains the Shopify Customer ID.

Recharge Create (ALPHA) Onetime Product Action

If you want to add a onetime product (non-recurring products on a queued order) to a subscription order, you can utilize the Recharge (Legacy) Create Onetime Product action.

Address Id: You will need to use MESA's Variables feature to locate the Address ID. This is a required field.

In the Data Mapping within the action in MESA, the following are required Keys:

  • product_title: Name of the product that you want to add

  • quantity: Quantity of product

  • shopify_variant_id: The variant id of the Shopify product. You can locate your product's variant id by following this document

  • add_to_next_charge: Set to true

At the top of the workflow, hit the Save button to save your changes.

Hit the toggle to switch it to On when you are ready to start using the workflow.

Last updated